Make Engaging,
Learning Environments Available Anywhere!
To impart computers with the ability to see to interact with us more naturally and enhance our creativity and productivity.
Class Entrance And Exit Monitoring
Track Your Devices with our Tracking and Analysis Solution
Make your classroom smart
with AI technology devices
The AI-based Recognition System will scan and track student, teacher, and other classroom activity. The technology will analyse and record. Additionally, it will enable management operate the classroom according to the schedule and offer statistical information. Additionally, the system keeps track of students’ writing, reading, raising of hands, dozing off at a desk, and concentration.
One-stop Destination for
All Your Edtech Needs
We offer complete classroom solutions. The School Administration and Education Department invest time and money in improving classrooms and labs. The majority of these investments are in technology, such as the purchase of Tablets, Interactive Panels, and Laptops. Our solution is the key to unlocking the mystery. The dashboard allows for effective tracking and simplified analysis.

Track All of Your Devices
To Advance Your Environment
This option is for you if your school uses interactive touch panels or computing. Learn everything there is to know about your devices, including how many (laptop/panel) were ON/OFF at any given time, how long they were ON/OFF, how they were doing physically, and which applications were being used most frequently.